
A truly effective facelift. Aesthetic surgery of the face has become increasingly popular in recent years. The reason is that we live longer and care about our appearance more. Proof also lies in the fact that facelifts are now increasingly performed on men.


There are various factors influencing skin ageing

The process of ageing of the face depends not only on age itself, but also on genetic, anatomical and external factors, the most significant of which are smoking and excessive tanning.
These changes affect not only the skin, but also subcutaneous structures. They are manifested as wrinkles, loose eyebrows, a deepening of the groove between the nose and mouth or the appearance of surplus skin on the face and neck.

Principles and objectives of the treatment

The treatment consists of surgery in which excess skin is removed and subcutaneous tissue of the face and neck is stretched. Facelift is a plastic surgery of the face that can restore your youthful, natural appearance. See for yourself...

Before the treatment

Before the treatment, it is necessary to first consult a plastic surgeon at our clinic. The physician evaluates the client's health and selects the right type of surgery. The client will receive information on the surgery, post-operative regimen and potential risks. Finally, we arrange a date of preoperative examination and the surgery itself at the reception desk of the clinic.

During the treatment

Facelift is performed under general anaesthesia and takes between 2 and 2.5 hours. The surgeon makes an incision around the ears and reshapes the skin and subcutaneous fibrous tissue (known as SMAS) on the face and neck to ensure the effect will last as long as possible. Excess skin is removed and wounds are closed with fine subcutaneous absorbable sutures. Drains are introduced into the wound to be removed the next day. After the surgery, the client wears a pressure bandage around the head.

After the treatment

The second day after surgery, drains are removed and an elastic sleeve is applied; it is recommended that patients wear this sleeve for the first 10-14 days. In the first days, pain can be dulled with standard analgesics. Post-operative swelling and bruises gradually fade away over 14 days. In the first month after the surgery, dying your hair and exposing your skin to intensive sunlight is not recommended.

Who can be treated?

The procedure is performed for clients of middle age and older who are medically able to undergo the surgery.The treatment is not suitable for smokers. They have to give up their habit at least 6 months before the procedure and in the recovery period.
Interested in a facelift abroad? Make an appointment for a consultation.


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